
P = project _ EA = solo show _ GA = group show _ K = catalogue/book

2024 _ „vom geist der menschen in gottes häusern“, Heilig-Geist-Kirche, Fürth (EA)

_ my spring trip took me, among other places, to Bor and Subotica in Serbia.

2023 _ „mansfeld museumal“; has also been shown at the werkleitz-festival 2023 „mein schatz“ (P, GA, K)

_ publication on „god's houses“ in „theo - Das unabhängige katholische Magazin“ 01/2023

_ appointment as a regular member of the German Photographic Society, DGPh

_ publication on „god's houses“ on „“

2022 _ publication on „god's houses“ in „photonews" 12/2022-1/2023

_ work scholarship from Stiftung Kulturfonds for „god's houses in germany“

_ „Le Clos et l'Ouvert - 40 ans de photographie au CRP“, Espace Le Carré, Lille (GA with Françoise Nuñez, Martin Parr, Jean-Louis Garnell, Marie-Paule Nègre, Max Lerouge, Michael Scheffer, Marilyn Bridges)

2021 _ work scholarship from the state of Saxony-Anhalt for „god's houses in saxony-anhalt“

2020 _ work scholarship from the state of Saxony-Anhalt for „mansfeld still life“

2019 _ „Framed Landscapes - European Photography Commissions 1984 - 2019“, Museo ICO, Madrid (GA + K)

2018 _ work scholarship of the Art Foundation Saxony-Anhalt for Armenia

since 2017 _ now also lives in a village in the harz region

_ „Paysages français - Une aventure photographique, 1984 - 2017“, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris (GA + K)

_ „Chemin de fer“, CRP Douchy-les-Mines (GA with Sibylle Bergemann, Arno Fischer, Irina Ionesco, Bernard Plossu, Marc Trivier, Michel vanden Eeckhoudt)

2014-2017 _ 3 studio shows: „GreeenBerliiin“ + „rivers | tides“ + „constant(a change(s

2013 _ awarding of a studio funded by the Berlin Senate

2012 _ „StahlWerk“ - Sculptures by Karl Menzen in photographs by Ralph Hinterkeuser, Berlin (P + K)

2009 _ „Images du Nord“, Le Carré d'Art, Chartres de Bretagne (GA with M. Bridges, J.-L. Garnell, J. Koudelka, B. Plossu u.a.)

_ „Im Feuerland“ - Pictures from Baku's oil fields, in: Culturscapes Aserbaidschan, Kulturgeschichte und Politik zwischen Kaukasus und Kaspischem Meer, Basel 2009 (K)

2007 _ „1, 2, 3 couleur II“, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douai (GA with Robin Dance, Jean-Louis Garnell, Philippe Lesage)

_ „1, 2, 3 couleur“, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douai (GA with Martin Parr, Wolfgang Zurborn)

_ „Univers Industriel“, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douchy-les-Mines (GA mit D. Auerbacher, M. Bridges, J-L. Garnell, B. Gilden, J. Koudelka, M. Séméniako u.a.)

2006 _ „formen :: finden“, photographic paraphrases of sculptures by Karl Menzen (P, GA)

2004-2019 _ represented by Editionsgalerie Lumas since initial selection until my own termination

2004 _ „Transit. Erfurt, Lille und andere Bühnen“, Kunsthalle Erfurt (P + EA + K), funding from the art foundation of north rhine-westphalia

_ „BerlinBauten“, Galerie Pernkopf, Berlin (EA)

_ „Fenster und Spiegel“, in: Kann Fotografie unsere Zeit in Bilder fassen? 25 Jahre Bielefelder Symposien über Fotografie. publishers: G. Jäger, J. Boström. Kerber, Bielefeld (K)

2003 _ „vision berlin“, Qiz Qalasi Gallery, Baku (EA)

_ DAAD scholarship for Baku, Azerbaijan (3-month work stay)

2002 _ „Fifty : Fifty - Gebaute und nicht gebaute Architektur für Berlin 1990 bis 2000“, Berlinische Galerie at the Grundkreditbank Art Forum, Berlin (P + EA + K)

_ „Aux marges du paysage“, Institut franco-japonais de Tokyo (GA with Lewis Baltz, Marilyn Bridges, Thierry Girard, Fumimasa Hosokawa, Kunihiko Katsumata, Philippe Lesage, Tamaki Motoki, Masatoshi Sakamoto, Jacques Vilet)

2001 _ „Raumbilder“, Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning, Bonn (P + GA + K with Jürgen Hohmuth and Michael Schroedter)

_ „Landscapes/Paesaggi“, Marcovaldo, Caraglio (P + GA + K, with Jocelyne Alloucherie, Alain Balzac, Olivo Barbieri, Gabriele Basilico, Franco Fontana, Karen Knorr, Stephen Roach, Michel Séméniako) and Racconigi, Piemont, Italy (EA); again complete 2003 Caraglio (GA)

_ „Lille Métropole“, Mission Photographique Transmanche, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord Pas-de-Calais, Douchy-les-Mines, with the Goethe-Institut Lille, France (P + EA + K, Cahier No. 25 of the MPT); 2004 Maison de France, Berlin (EA); 2013 Hôtel de Ville, Douchy-les-Mines

_ catch-up diploma degree in photo/film design, with „Lille Métropole“ and the art-historical text „Hungrige Augen - Fotografie als Material und Zeuge des Malers Pablo Picasso“

1999 _ full-year scholarship of the Else-Heiliger-Fonds; now lives in Berlin

1997 _ „zu Hause“, Kunstverein Rhein-Sieg, Hennef (EA)

1996 _ „L‘Amour de l‘Art“, Artothèque de Nantes, France (GA)

_ „Scènes • Coulisses“, Autour des Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie, Arles, France (EA)

1994 _ Lecture on August Sander on the 30th anniversary of his death, Stadtmuseum Siegburg (German only, introduction by Dr Gert Fischer)

since 1993 _ intensification of my own artistic work: large-format colour photography, examination of architecture and urban and rural landscape. work stays in Europe, Jordan, Calcutta.

1993 _ curator of the thematic exhibition „In the Light of Shadows - Photography and the Presence of the Past“ (with Susanne Greven, Kapa, Wojciech Prazmowski, Salvatore Puglia), Stadtmuseum Siegburg (K). (read my catalogue text here)

1991 _ lives in the Rhineland again; curator of the monographic exhibition „Knut Wolfgang Maron - Pictures about Landscapes“, Stadtmuseum Siegburg (K). (read my catalogue text here)

1986 _ curator of the two-day symposium „Fotografen filmen“ (photographers filming), University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld, including four European premieres of films by Robert Frank

1983-88 _ studied photo/film design with Prof. Dr. Gottfried Jäger and Prof. Jörg Boström, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld; various participations in publications and exhibitions as well as text publications and lectures on photography

since 1983 _ photographer for architecture, artworks etc.

1980-81 _ assistant to Walter Schels, photographer, Munich (now Hamburg)

since 1975 _ photography

1959 _ born in Bonn

represented in collections like DG-Bank, Berlinische Galerie, Centre Régional de la Photographie Nord Pas-de-Calais, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, BOOZ, various artotheks + many private